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Brighten Up Your Office With New Commercial Windows

All Glass • May 19, 2023
Office Setup

How is the office morale in your workplace? A follow up question to that is how many windows are in your workplace? There is definitely a reason why the coveted offices in a workplace have a window. It helps people feel less cramped and be able to enjoy their workday more. That is why you should consider brightening up your office with new commercial windows. Here are the benefits of having windows and why you should consider adding new commercial windows in your office building.

  • Healthier and Happier Employees – Natural light helps people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which includes about 20% of adults. It also helps reduce eyestrain that artificial light can cause. Eyestrain can lead to headaches and fatigue, which can cause stress. All of these things lead to a decrease in productivity from employees, which is not good for anyone. The natural light that people can receive from windows helps keep them healthy through Vitamin D, melatonin, and serotonin, which all help employees stay healthier and can even help fight off the common cold and the flu.
  • Creativity – Studies have shown that natural light can actually help to increase creativity in the workplace. Getting new commercial windows can actually help employees be able to think more clearly and come up with better ideas and solutions to help your company!

Not only will new commercial windows help your employees, but it will also help you save money on your energy bill. Natural light helps you use less electricity in your office. Whether you would like to add more windows to your office or replace them, give us a call at All Glass when you are ready to get some new commercial windows.

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